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A Love Letter to a Wild Woman:
An Anthology

*The image above is a mock-up rendering of the book cover.
The final version may vary.
We want your Love
Submissions Open!
If one day you opened your mailbox to find the most beautiful love letter ever written to you, what would you long for it to say?
Would you want it to be covered in words that dripped like honey off the page? Do you long to read proclamations of wild and real love? What about paragraphs that are expressed in the finest detail of a lover who would bow at your feet in both honor and gratitude? How would you like to be told how deeply you are desired and celebrated?
Write that.
-Send us your Love Letter to a Wild Woman Poem-
-Original work only
-NO AI-Generated poetry
-Up to 2 submissions
-Can be previously published but you MUST own rights
-You will retain rights to any submitted work
-Must be in poetic format. Short stories will not be accepted
-If you are selected you will receive a follow-up email
-If selected you will receive a copy of the book for free
-Hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated
-A Photograph will be requested (more details after acceptance)
-Open to all Female Identifying Persons
-If full submissions are not accepted we may still use excerpts of submissions for our final thoughts segment. Credit will be given.
Need inspiration? Click here!
Please submit your poem and pertinent information here
Please email your poem as an attached PDF and send to
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